This November, Eden Australia is dreaming big and aiming to raise $100,000 AUD in order to fully finance Eden Myanmar’s fifth drop-in centre in the North Dagon region – near Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar.

Working in very broken societies across Asia, Eden has seen that the women and girls who have been rescued from human trafficking and step into a life of freedom, are those who have the potential to bring freedom and hope to the women and girls still trapped in exploitation.

With this principle in mind, Eden Australia is running its FREE PEOPLE FREE PEOPLE campaign throughout the month of November. We truly believe that together we can create a future without trafficking and exploitation.

We invite you to use your freedom and join us in working towards that goal.
Human trafficking ends with us, FREE PEOPLE FREE PEOPLE.

The past two years have been catastrophic for Myanmar; the Delta wave of COVID and a violent military coup have devastated Myanmar’s economy. As a result of this economic desperation, during our weekly outreach we have seen a 200% increase in women and girls being sexually exploited. Therefore, Eden identified the need to expand our outreach program by establishing drop-in centres in the middle of red-light areas.

We wanted to create a safe space where women and girls could receive food parcels, trauma counselling, HIV testing, livelihood training, and more. Here, we are also able to gather vital data on migration and trafficking trends.

In 2021, we set up our first drop-in centre and after seeing its immediate success, we have since established an additional three drop-in centres.

Our goal now is to open our fifth drop-in centre in North Dagon
, an area that has been identified by our frontline team as an incredibly dark area with dozens of brothels, KTV bars and major trafficking hubs where hundreds of young women and girls are being trafficked and sold daily; the brothels in North Dagon are notorious for trafficking underage girls who’ve migrated there in search of jobs.

Through this drop-in centre, we will see many more young women and girls being free from modern day slavery and freeing others from traffickers, brothel owners and pimps.


If you would like to donate to cover a specific part of the drop-in centre, please see below some of the individual items you can sponsor.

*All donations within Australia are tax-deductible.

What your donation will provide:

$28,062: Program staff for one year
$7,385: Trauma counsellor for one year
$4,615: Accountant for one year
$4,615: Administrative officer for one year
$3,077: Rent for one year
$3,692: Utilities for one year
$1,538: Furniture
$16,615: Transportation for beneficiaries for one year
$3,692: Medical and emergency support fund for beneficiaries
$4,985: Food parcels
$2,769: Outreach gifts for one year
$2,769: Outreach transport for one year
$1,477: Emergency fund for outreach for one year
$5,538: Vocational trainers' fees for one year
$3,077: Supplies for vocational training for one year
$5,169: Refreshments and gifts
$923: Office supplies and stationery

Total cost: $100,000

Visit our GoFundMe for more information and to donate:

For more information on this fundraiser, please contact us.